Artichoke June
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the garden’s growing

Well it has been funny old weather, pretty hot, but pretty darned wet too which has made for fairly tropical conditions with plenty of thunderstorms and a suffocating humidity. The garden has enjoyed it though and has now decided to really go for it. We’re long past the strawberries which were amazing and are now into raspberries and blueberries. The courgettes are getting going and the potatoes have been great. The jungle that is the dill and coriander in the polytunnel needs taking in hand and there are plans to cut and stuff into bottles of olive oil as well as freezing some. The artichokes in the veg. beds have done their thing this year and we had our first 2 heads the other evening. Very nice steamed for half an hour and eaten with a splash of salad dressing.

Plus the willow hedge has gone nuts – all that water, it’s such a weed.

Asparagus raised bed

second asparagus bed with tomatoes

raspberries in June

Willow in June